Underarm Whitening & Peeling Cream
Quantity : 60gr
Peeling the old dead Skin cells and remove stains the underarm.
make your under arm like baby skin
Component :
Water, Glyceryn, (Akuriretsu / acrylic acid alkyl (C10-30)) crosspolymer, Sutearutorimoniumukurorido, Jikokojimoniumukurorido, Isopuroparu, honey, royal jelly, soybean extract, rosemary extract, hawthorn extract, Daisou extract, grapefruit extract, apple extract, orange juice, lemon juice, juice la Dame, BG, Lavender oil, peach leaf extract, Hamamerisuekisu, pomegranate, peel extract, dimethicone, laurath-2, laureth-21, titanium oxide, P EG-400 -4 Torirauresu phosphate Na, stearic acid, carbonic acid K, ascorbit acid Na, Bull Run, cymene 5 -All - ethanol, Enokishietanoru off.
Item description :
It is for the bystander condition the skin peeling to remove dead skin clean Wakipika Piringukurimu.
How to use :
Applying the appropriate amount, please rub your fingertips. 帖Remasu corner and flake quality.
Cream peeling yg bisa mengelupaskan sel kulit mati di keti dan slengki, menjadikan warna kulit rata kembali dan sehalus kulit bayi.
Cara pemakaian : Oleskan pada area keti atau slengki, biarkan sesaat, lalu gosok sampai keluar partikel2 kecil menyerupai daki, bilas dengan air. Gunakan 2x sehari.
Ready stock!!!!!
Untuk pemesanan,silahkan hubungi :
hp : 085221794261
YM : anie.flowereye@yahoo.com
Pin : 20CFB81F
Please order and happy shopping ^_^
oleh Flowereye Shop
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